What does a narcissist crave the most? ATTENTION! Narcissists constantly crave narcissistic supplyNarcissistic Supply refers to those people who provide a constant source of attention, approval, adoration, […]
Secrets are like currency to them Narcissists use secrets as needed – collateral, leverage, or just manipulation. They collect secrets as they go along, never knowing […]
After almost a year of the Silent TreatmentSilent Treatment The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse typically employed by people with narcissistic tendencies. It More, I agreed to […]
Nothing is ever good enough, no matter how hard you try with a narcissistic parent. You will never receive their approval or please them. My narcissist […]
Coercive Control My father started threatening to disinherit me in 2016. This is how narcissistic parents operate. They try any means necessary to control you. They […]
We’ve all been at a family gathering dreading that one relative. The one who does everything better than anyone else, who is always the smartest person […]