What We Do

Legal Advocacy
At the Center for Hope we understand how difficult it is to make the decision to leave an abusive relationship. You are often scared that your abuser will convince the court and the Judge that you are the one with the problem, and that the court won’t be able to see through the manipulation and lies your abuser has used to hurt you and often times, your children.

Mental Health Support
When making the decision to leave an abusive relationship, it is so important that you have the emotional and psychological support of an experienced counselor. At the Center for Hope, we have mental health counselors who are skilled and experienced in the area of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence.
We offer referrals to experienced mental health professionals who have expertise in recovery from narcissistic abuse so you may begin to understand what you have experienced, and cognitive behavioral counseling that focuses on healing your own trauma and co-dependency issues to help you move forward in your own journey.

Holistic Healing & Coaching
If you have been a victim of abuse, chances are you have not made yourself or your self-care a priority. At the Center for Hope, we know that it is very important for you to take care of yourself during this very difficult time.
At the Center for Hope, we offer referrals to experienced coaches in two areas: Divorce coaching and Narcissistic Abuse recovery coaching. Our experienced coaches can help you identify issues that are presenting challenges in your life and help you move forward with encouragement, guidance and support.

Financial Advisement
Financial abuse is one of the most powerful methods of control that can keep a person trapped in an abusive relationship. Surveys of survivors show that concerns about their ability to financially provide for themselves and their children is one of the top reasons for returning to or staying with an abusive partner.
We offer referrals to experienced divorce financial analysts as part of our services to help you gain control over your life. At the Center for Hope, victims are educated on how to obtain and understand financial information they need in order to make intelligent decisions planning for their future.