Trauma Bonds refers to a state of being emotionally attached not to a kind friend or family member, but to an abuser. It is a negative form of bonding as it keeps you loyal to a destructive situation The abuser uses cycles of abuse and then some form of reward to keep you trapped psychologically and emotionally. Some signs of trauma bonding are you feel stuck and powerless in the relationship but try to make the best of it. Deep down there are moments you don’t even know if you like or trust the other person, but you can’t leave. You have tried to leave, but you feel physically ill if you do, or like you will die or your life will be destroyed. The other person constantly lets you down but you still believe their promises. It may also be referred to as Stockholm Syndrome Stockholm Syndrome which is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance and positive feelings andwhich is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance and positive feelings and loyalty toward their captors during captivity.